Why Not Allow Children Fat?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obese child does look cute and adorable. However, fat
did not always mean healthy, but can also indicate the presence of disease
should be checked early.

Problem of obese children, not only in developed countries, in developing countries
such as Indonesia, in cities and in some villages, more and more found in children
fat. Do not always have to come from families sufficiency. Eating rice exceeds any portion
could have made this body so incredibly fertile.

Fat has become epidemic in the world. In the past, countries in Africa, many are starving.
Now, slimming centers have started popping up a lot there. Pattern
overeating and the price of fruit and vegetables is higher than the price of fried food, sugar, and
snack, that's what makes the body tends to excess calories.

Fat also for some people still have the emblem of prosperity. Right. Most
of the parents, mothers especially, wanted his son was plump. In addition to funny, kids
plump also symbolizes a prosperous family. Erroneous messages are inherited as
These myths need to be corrected, because kids who are actually not gemuklah
coveted governments in developed countries. Everywhere developed countries, more managers
are not fat than the fat.

Now, the United States is grappling with over half of school children
population classified as obese. Most require a doctor's consultation. Various
attempts were made, but has not been entirely resolved. We can understand that American children
likely to be overweight, may have been since the early infant age. However, if many
Also our kids are fat, there must be a mistake in the pattern and eating habits
them. Junk food is one reason.

Children in developed countries, the menu choices that tend to make them so the excess
weight. We understand, junk food menu rich in fat, wasteful sugar, and salt, and
very high in calories. Tongue children today are conditioned with delicious taste,
sweet, salty and spicy all-round. It's also what leads they are no longer so
mother liked the menu table.

Similarly, our children seem urban. They've been conditioned also by the
Daily menus are all junk food outside the home, and lost her appetite at the table

feeding mothers. The more spoiled child by a menu outside the home who tend to exceed the portion
needs of the body, the greater the potential to become obese, and growing fat.

Children and infants in rural areas, which are not of the adequacy of any family, has been polluted by
options menu (snacks) that caliber junk food, that kind of snacks of pizza, burgers, or hot
dog had entered the village, in addition to the all sweet snacks, and high fat. In addition,
The average baby in the village also had more early and not time introduced type of food
dense, so the average weight exceeds the size of his age, probably due to
ignorance. Give rice, bananas, porridge, before the baby is 5 months old, one
cause why many babies in the countryside to be fat.

Overweight as a baby should not happen, because the pattern and size of fat cells
his body had already formed one. In addition to the number of fat cells formed more
a lot of normal children, its size was larger. That was then, should the child not fat
since the age of the baby. Fat that has already formed, is difficult mengempiskannya again, except
accept it as a talent he brought to adulthood.

Diet without medical supervision is not recommended for children who are obese. Within
growth, the child's body may not be up to lack of nutrients. If diet attenuate
inappropriate body, which decreases in the menu rather than just calories, but also all
nutrients needed for growth of the child's body. Not just fat and calories
reduced with diet slim instead of doctors, but all the substances contained
in the daily menu will also take part shrinkage. And this should not happen.

Antilemak drug as adults who consumed high blood fat, no
advisable given to children. Hopefully, by reducing the portion of fatty-menu
cholesterol, plus regular physical exercise, fat, blood can go down to normal.
What can be done probably by way of acupuncture that can suppress appetite,
while still arrange adequate nutrition for child growth remains adequate. Behavior
eating is the hardest difficulty in weight loss efforts. "Hungry eyes"
is one challenge.

Children are hungry eyes are driven to eat (anything) despite not being lapar.Mestinya,
trained body only eat when I'm feeling hungry. Eat at any view or
offered food (echo), will condition the body always encouraged to eat
despite not feeling hungry. Infants and children become obese if the edible portion exceeding

needs of the body. Excess calories are stored as fat, and lard under the skin. The cells
body fat becomes large, in addition to amount more than normal children.

Dairy cows have been blamed as one cause of sharing. We know fat in milk
higher than the fat cows milk. Cow milk fat was prepared to build a child's body
cow, not a human child's body. So the wise mother still remains only to choose breastfeeding
for baby, rather than letting the fat by dairy cows later. If a baby
given food according to age and stage of development of age, small
likelihood of children going to fat. We know, there are stages of infant feeding are not
be violated.

In addition to the child's body is not harmed by a menu that is not appropriate, the possibility of child
being overweight was not necessary to happen. Create a child over a year,
course option only milk cow's milk. If the child is obese, choose nonfat milk, which
milk fat has been discarded. Children only need a protein content of milk.

Familiarize children a lot of motion. Physical exercise is not just a game, but should
also be used to help build bone and muscle, in addition to burning excess
calories obtained from foods that may be excessive. Increasingly less mobile,
exercise, and physical exercise, the more likely to be fat, and body
children did not fit. Sports curriculum in our schools is very inadequate. Shibboleth
schoolchildren living in the developed world, no day without exercise.

Appetite of children who are already obese generally be increased beyond normal. It
then, children who had already fat easily gain weight if
encouragement to continue to eat is not detained, or restrained. Normal baby will grow
heavy 2-fold at the age of 5 months, and to 3-fold when a year old.
Furthermore, the ideal weight children up to age 11 years can be calculated by the formula 8 (2
X age) kg. Children who were 5 years old, ideally have a weight 8 (2 X 5) kilograms or
18 kg. More than that alert.

However, more appropriate to the age of one year period index formula used Body (Body Mass
Index), which is calculated by dividing the number of weight by height (in
meters). Score 23-25 pertained ideal, and more than 25 means it's overweight. Child
who are obese not only because excessive feeding error, but can also
as a case of disease. There are several types of diseases (disorders of hormones and genes) that
create abnormal body fat child, and fat does not look healthy.

In terms of fat disease, not easily corrected, because there's nothing wrong
in the hormonal system or genes. Fat is not controlled with diet, and efforts
get rid of these calories, fat to be classified as acceptable as it is, with all
risk they carry. This new problem facing America today. Recently,
schools in the U.S. made 'weight report card. " Children who declared overweight
agencies require a doctor's consultation for a special diet, and physical exercise for extra weight
ideal body can be achieved.

In the schools in Singapore, for example, children who are overweight are serving
more exercise than children who are not overweight, so her weight shrank
become not fat anymore. Overweight medical anticipated could carry many diseases,
so that human resources become less quality. With a weight report card,
monitored by school children continue to limit fat not reached. After that, weight
achieved ideal body is maintained by way of eating is not greedy, and choice
appropriate menu, while still exercising so fat no recurrence.

Obese child does that mean in their blood fat profile too high? Yes, that's what
we fear most. Most American teenagers who diet and versatile menu options
junk food that, on average have excess levels of fat in their blood. Although not always
have high blood fat, but most teens in developed countries, cholesterol
and trigliseride was already above normal. That means, the risk appears catastrophe due
the high profile body fat, has started since early puberty. And that's what
explain, why nowadays many heart attack or stroke appears at the age of
earlier. More and more strokes and premature coronary heart disease (less than
age 40 years) appeared today.

Fat in the blood that is now believed to also menceteuskan belebih rise of cancer in organ
body anywhere. Cervical cancer, kidney and breast in particular. Risk of fatty liver,
diabetes, is also due to the higher fat in the blood.


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